Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Review: Dan Brown's The Lost Symbol

Firstly - why am I reading Dan Brown? It's like eating fast food and then complaining about it. You know it's not good for you, but it tastes good, and we are all going to die anyway!
I think I read Dan Brown because he is a bad writer and I feel superior in comparison. I mean, if he can be a best-selling author, then so could I - if I got off my ass and researched for hours on Wikipedia and then got down to rehashing it all and then finding a publisher to correct my grammar and spelling. And ofcourse, shorten my sentences.
Infact I even have the formula for a Dan Brown thriller. Here it is:

Take one of each:
- Stock hero aka Robert Langdon
- Mickey Mouse watch
-Generic attractive brunette who also happens to be an expert in whatever field the book is about.
- Stock villain whose madness/obsessiveness is established from page 1.
- Other random characters, one of which will be the actual villain.
- An obscure cult/secret society/popular religion/relatively unknown scientific field.
- A conspiracy theory
- Some famous landmarks/paintings/books - invested with hidden messages guaranteed to never make you look at it the same way again, thereby ruining your appreciation of art and architecture by turning it into graffiti.

1) Mash together finely, peppering with a heavy dose of crap and incredulity.
2) Divide equally into small chapter sized portions.
3) Add a cliffhanger to the end of each of these portions (EACH bloody chapter, I tell you...aargh!)
4) Randomly italicize a few phrases.
5) Add a few car chases.
AND you are done.

I have read all his books. That's how self-indulgent I am. But, in my defence, I bought just The Da Vinci Code and downloaded the rest. Even the latest one. So I might be intellectually killing myself here, but atleast I am not getting poorer doing it.

Well, on to the review then:
Robert Langdon + Mickey Mouse watch + Noetic Scientist + a tattooed villain + Korean CIA midget + the Freemasons + chopped off hand +Washington DC = BLURGH!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009


I can't believe that I did it again! Forgot my niece's birthday, even though I was reminded of it - just the day before. How sick is that? And this is not the first time. This is the umpteenth time. K is not talking to me and I just hate myself for doing this to her.
So do I really learn from my mistakes? Or should other people learn from my mistakes? Learn not to expect things from me, learn to take me as I am.

My very first post...aww!

I always find starting something very difficult. For years I have kept a diary. Yet the first entry of each new diary is usually awkward clumsy and very shallow.
Therefore let's get this first entry over with. And I sincerely hope it's the worst of the lot and from here on it just gets better.

When I have no idea what to say, I usually say the first thing that comes to my head. Well, this here is a brand new blog. My very first blog. Here are a few commandments I plan to follow with this blog:
1.) I shall not use exclamation marks and ... indiscriminatingly.

2.) I shall proof-read.

3.) I shall try not to be cliched in my thinking.

4.) I shall try (very very hard) not to whine.

5.) I shall update fairly regularly.
Ok. Not bad. This gives me some wiggle room to write what I want without looking like a complete idiot. Oh yes:
6.) I shall not always be afraid of looking like a complete idiot.
Which brings us to:
7.) I shall try (more or less) to be honest.

There we are. I've gotten the starter entry out of the way. WHEW!