Tuesday, October 20, 2009

My very first post...aww!

I always find starting something very difficult. For years I have kept a diary. Yet the first entry of each new diary is usually awkward clumsy and very shallow.
Therefore let's get this first entry over with. And I sincerely hope it's the worst of the lot and from here on it just gets better.

When I have no idea what to say, I usually say the first thing that comes to my head. Well, this here is a brand new blog. My very first blog. Here are a few commandments I plan to follow with this blog:
1.) I shall not use exclamation marks and ... indiscriminatingly.

2.) I shall proof-read.

3.) I shall try not to be cliched in my thinking.

4.) I shall try (very very hard) not to whine.

5.) I shall update fairly regularly.
Ok. Not bad. This gives me some wiggle room to write what I want without looking like a complete idiot. Oh yes:
6.) I shall not always be afraid of looking like a complete idiot.
Which brings us to:
7.) I shall try (more or less) to be honest.

There we are. I've gotten the starter entry out of the way. WHEW!


  1. thnx fer mentioning me in ur "about me" section!!!!!!! <3 <3

    love....amatulla RASHID!!!
